Ease & Bliss Conscious Parenting Masterclass

Bringing You Peace of Mind and Serenity at Home

At home, do you feel:

  • stressed and self-doubt while managing multiple responsibilities and having kids at home all the time, leading to outbursts at them and your spouse?

  • frustrated and guilty as your children act out with tantrums, whining, and power struggles due to lack of attention?

  • overwhelmed and easily triggered by your children's demands and lack of listening?

  • helpless and anxious when mediating sibling fights, only to be accused of being unfair or unloving?

If Yes, Here’s Why Ease & Bliss Parenting Masterclass is Designed for You!

Heal & Feel

Practising mystical healing and mindfulness practices helps you to remain centred, present to consciously choose your parenting approach, and catch yourselves when you are on automatic mode to be a role model for your children.

Coach And Rescue Emotions | C.A.R.E

Understanding the human mind, behaviour and structured approach in creating transformation through Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and various coaching modalities allows you to bring out the best in you and your children.

Parenting Hacks & Relax

Parents can incorporate simple and widely tested, step-by-step strategies to guide yourself and coach your children to prevent distressing situations from happening again.

What Will You Be Learning In Masterclass?



Learn ‘4 emotional truths’ and 3 tools that can set you free from hurt and disempowering emotions.



Change starts with me - Discover 9 profound ways to manage and let go of your emotions that do not serve you, eventually get you calmed, centred, patient and blissful.



Discover ways to handle 7 types of negative emotions in your children, parenting hacks on clicking a reset button and build a fresh start to kid’s emotion management.



All you need to know in 8 key videos on how to rebuild a healthy and loving relationship between siblings to minimize fights and maximize love.

What Will You Gain After the Masterclass?

Feeling Proud

Enjoy blissful, loving moments with your children at home and having the space to get your work done.

Feeling Loved

Your children are understanding, able to communicate and proactively find solutions to meet their needs.

Feeling At Ease

Your children are loving and caring towards their siblings and able to work together with parents.

FREE Little Leader's Kit

for your child (5-7 years old) learning about emotional mastery to become confident, happy and calm!

FREE "Art of Gamification" video

and discover the secret of getting your child to do house chores in a fun way!

Meet Our Trainer

Coach Olly

Co-founder of HANKidz | Parenting Coach

  • Mother of two who juggles between building the business, managing operations, finances and coaches, taking care of the household, her kids and their studies.
  • Certified master practitioner in Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and Time Line Therapy.
  • Developed HANKidz children leadership modules and parenting workshops, has helped many families and parents overcome their challenges and build a loving, blissful home.
  • Coaches more than 100 children on a weekly basis.
  • Passionately coaches 100 families on a monthly basis.


The team of coaches has been working hard to create significant value for parents and children. Our purpose is clear: to serve and guide with unconditional love and passion.

Parents are no longer struggling and are enjoying learning with their kids. They can now relax at home without stress.

We believe in growing the pie rather than taking a bigger slice, which is why we’re offering this at a low cost to support parents from all backgrounds in building harmonious families. Your family deserves this.

If you don’t gain value from the first series, we guarantee a full refund, no questions asked.


They Have Gained EASE & BLISS! You Can Have It Too!

Meet Our Founder,

Coach Hanky!

I Want To Have Ease & Bliss!

You need a guide to

go through this time of crisis...

Watch Video


only for those who wants to be a better parent!



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Ease & Bliss Conscious Parenting Masterclass Enquiry

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