The FIRST Children's NFT Art Competition in Malaysia and stand a chance to create your own unique one-of-a-kind NFT.
What is NFT?
NFT is a short-form for Non-Fungible Token.
This comes down to what is meant by fungible.
Fungible is something that you can readily replace it with something equivalent.
(E.g.: RM1 note in your wallet is the same as the another RM1 note elsewhere.)
Non-fungible is unique & cannot be copied or substituted.
(E.g.: The RM1 note in your wallet is signed by Datuk Lee Chong Wei. Therefore, any other RM1 note elsewhere is not the same as your RM1 note. Yours is unique.)
Why NFT?
NFTs are a part of blockchain technology. Simplifying it to the very basic level, blockchain is a very secure and transparent way to store and share information in such a way that any transaction can be tracked and can't be falsified or manipulated.
The usage of NFT promotes:
Category 1 (Aged 3 - 4)
Luna Tan Zi Xuan (4)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool Puchong
"I love my family who always support me and love me without conditions. Thank you for always being there for me. Love you all!"
Yap Yih Hann (4)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool Puchong
"Things that make me feels happy: Sun, blue sky, unicorn, and flowers."
Category 2 (Aged 5 - 6)
Joyce Chan Kai Xin (6)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool KD
"Earth holding a heart shows how much everyone loves you. Heart is filled with rainbow colour because the earth is like a rainbow to be explored!"
Haeley Tan Yunn Ern (6)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool KD
"I love my teachers and my friends because they make me happy"
Milly Lok Yue Ning (5)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool KD
"This is my daddy, mommy and baby sister. My family always make me happy. They always play with me. My baby sister always smile and run with me together."
Joyce Chan Kai Xin (6)
HANKidz Leadership Preschool KD
"These are all my family members, fluffy, kitty, peachy. I draw them because I love them. They’re flying and stepping on clouds, holding hands and lifting me up. They tell me “I’m special in my own ways and I can fly high!”"
Category 3 (Aged 7 - 9)
Lovissa Yap (7)
SJKC Lai Meng
"Everyone I meet in my life gives me different inspirations, I love everyone."
Dexter Chan Kai Le (9)
SJKC Puay Chai 2
"Education is important and, my parents, HANKidz, School and chess helps me to focus and with my analytical thinking, and to make me a better me."
Category 4 (Aged 10 - 12)
Christabelle Cheah (10)
SJKC Mun Choong
[HANKidz Leader's Path]
"I get support from people around me and I feel loved. I want other children to have equal rights to be loved"
Esther Grace Tan (12)
SJKC Lick Hung
"The meaning of my artwork is about my mother---Chinnie. In my worst times, she cares and encourages me. She's been with me my whole life and I really want to thank her in my life. I'm really grateful to have her as my mother."
Christabelle Cheah (10)
SJKC Mun Choong
[HANKidz Leader's Path]
"I get so much support from my family, HANKidz and coaches. All children should be supported to grow and learn"
Category 5 (Aged 13 - 17)
Coaches & Teachers Edition
Coach Vivi (25)
"It takes a tribe to build the child, by different people nurturing with different love and care"
Coach Sammy (21)
"Just like the theme, "It takes a tribe to build a child", a big globe with HANKidz inside, coaches and teachers surrounding as the tribe who builds the children in the globe. To me, it also signifies that to the children, we, HANKidz Tribe could be the world to them."
Teacher Pei En (24)
"A child reaching happily for the tree(TRIBE) that makes their world full of rainbow 🌈"
Coach Cheeky (24)
"It takes a tribe to raise a child- not just people who are close to us, there are someone that have put in their heart and effort into us without us knowing as well. As we are all working together, the child is able to grow, showered with love, joy and happiness :>"
Coach Emily (27)
"It takes a tribe to build a child. I drew a picture that resembles the universe, and HANKidz is part of it in Mother Earth. We are creating world peace and abundance by developing enlighten leaders through children. Hence, we work with coaches, parents, teachers, educators, brothers, and sisters all included in a tribe. Why universe? I see that a child growth is not just limited to the people around. Every single being and soul that cross path with a child, helps a child to grow. The universe itself is a being. After all, there are so much more we have yet to discover as a child, or even as an adult. The universe reminds me that we are all inter- connected one way or another. By working together, we are the tribe that builds a child."
Coach Lolli (21)
"The sun represents hope. A tribe that raises a child with soul. A tribe grows the children, and the children grow beyond who they are, with there is always hope behind all these people."
Teacher Rachael (22)
"Discover this HANKidz tribe that focus on building happy, confident, responsible little leaders"
Coach Zoei (26)
"To know that every child is unique, special, different of it's own kind, blooming gracefully in it's own way, to bloom with grace, with power, with wisdom..."
Teacher Patricia (33)
"Children are like a seed. Their tribe is like the soil. If the seed planted on the fertilize soil ,it will grow, blooming and fruitful."
Teacher Nur Syakhira (29)
"It takes a tribe to build a child means whole community is involved in helping a child to become what they want to be in a positive way. "
HANKidz Leadership Academy
Setia Alam
Kota Damansara
HANKidz Speaking School
Kota Damansara
HANKidz Leadership Preschool
Contact us
03-6140 6189
+011-5176 8870
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