Build Your Child's Confidence & Leadership

At HANKidz Academy, we nurture children to grow to their fullest leadership potential through interactive games and storytelling.

Grow Your Child's Leadership TODAY!

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Upcoming Workshops


22.09.2024 (SUN)

10am-1pm OR 3pm-6pm


06.10.2024 (SUN)

10am-1pm OR 3pm-6pm

20.10.2024 (SUN)

10am-1pm OR 3pm-6pm


10.11.2024 (SUN)

10am-1pm OR 3pm-6pm

24.11.2024 (SUN)

10am-1pm OR 3pm-6pm


15.12.2024 (SUN)

10am-1pm OR 3pm-6pm

What Parents Say About HANKidz

Join Kids Leadership Workshop

Our Workshops

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Children's Workshop

  • Take the first step to overcome fear
  • Stay focused and driven in life
  • Step up and speak as a leader
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Parenting Workshop

  • Understand your child’s personality to unleash their potential
  • Acquire tips and tools to effectively communicate with your child
  • Explore ways to partner with each other to build your child’s character
  • Learn the HANKidz syllabus and methodology to support you and your child

Where To Start?

  1. Check our open-day timetable and set the available time and date with us

2. Book a slot

3.  Start building your child's confidence and leadership

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Have a question? Your answers might be here.

  • What is the HANKidz Leadership Workshop about?

    Our workshop is a great first step to experience our classes and discover ways to nurture your child’s full potential. There are two available concurrent workshops: Parenting Workshop and Children’s Workshop.

  • What will we gain from the Leadership Workshop?

    In Children’s Workshop, children are provided space to have fun while discovering their power to take the first step, speaking up, being focused and going 100% in what they do.

    In the Parenting Workshop, you will learn the parenting style best suited for your child’s unique personality. You will discover key parenting mindsets, the do’s and don’ts, and learn more about your child’s behavior to communicate with them better. Through these learnings, our family will gain better cooperation, peace and love.

  • Who is best suited for these workshops?

    Children’s Workshop | Children who are 5-12 years old.

    Parenting Workshop | Families who want to bring their happiness, peace, growth and life fulfilment to the next level and maximise their fullest potential and contribution to the world.

  • How are these workshops conducted?

    Children absorb learning well through storytelling, games and metaphors. While they have fun, they will also practice taking the first step, focusing and listening, speaking up and going 100%. We also coach them to draw on our personalized learning and encourage them to move forward to allow them to have a sense of ownership in their next actions.

  • Why is the workshop 3 hours long?

    We need your child to adapt to the class and be ready to learn. The duration allows us to have sufficient time to observe your child for more detailed observation and sharing of your child’s personality.

    Many of our first-time parents were surprised to find their children energized, excited and raring for more after the workshop!

  • My child is young/quiet/scared. Will they fit in and benefit from this workshop?

    Yes, we have experienced coaches to guide them to be independent.

    It is crucial to prepare them for what’s going to happen, so do assure them that they’ll have lots of fun with other friends and that you will be in another room nearby. Upon arrival, you can follow the coach’s cue to let go to begin your child’s independence.

  • What if I’ve registered but couldn’t make it due to unforeseen circumstances?

    That’s okay! Our workshops are held once or twice a month. Simply notify us as soon as you know and we can advise the date for the next class. You can move the registration to the earliest date available.

  • Can my children under 5 years old join this workshop?

    We will assess their suitability to join the class. 

    If they’re too young, you can bring them to join you in our Parenting Workshop. We will prepare a place to allow them to play while you can listen and keep an eye on your precious one!

  • Does my spouse/major caretaker need to come along?

    As parents, we may have different approaches to parenting as compared to our spouses. 

    This is a good opportunity for both of you to understand more about today’s parenting: what are the key parenting mindsets, tools and ways of managing children’s behaviors, and the do’s and don’ts to ensure ease & bliss at home. Both of you (and your major caretakers) can discuss and align ways to nurture your child moving forward.

    Many parents found this workshop as a first step to transforming their family’s environment and creating solid understanding, love and acceptance in the comfort of their home. 

    We highly recommend you grab this opportunity to create positive changes in your family.

  • Is there a centre nearer to me?

    This is a one-time workshop and the learnings about parenting and your child’s behavior are something you can immediately implement at home.

    We’re sure it’ll be worth the trip!

What Parents Say About Leadership Workshop

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