🔥 Grow out of their comfort zone:
Growth happens OUTSIDE the comfort zone and a safe competition platform creates an opportunity for that!
HANKidz President's Speech is a motivational public speaking competition for
5 - 12 years old children to build their confidence and create impact!
Join us for President's Speech Grand Launch
to find out more about how your child can grow in President's Speech!
Date: 31st March 2024 (Sunday)
Venue: Zoom (virtual)
A Child's Journey in President's Speech🗣️
Creating an 'I did it!' experience for each child.
'I did it.'
She used to think
'I can't do it', 'I am not good enough at this and people will laugh at me.'
But that day, she did it. It was the beginning of her journey of sharing her voice to the world.
'I did it.'
She was afraid of failing. What if, after doing so well for so many years, this time I don't make it?
She learnt that progress and growth was what she was after.
She did it. There, her
journey of celebrating progress began.
'I did it.'
He hadn't shared about anything this bold before.
He knew that this speech was more than winning the competition, he simply wanted to get his message out there.
He did it. There, his journey of boldness began.
'I did it.'
The journey of public speaking is more than
BIG WINS but rather many first
steps of courage and growth. Many
'I did it!' moments.
President's Speech aims to be a platform for students 5 to 12 years old to take that step.
Why join a competition?
It's more than just about winning.
🔥 Grow out of their comfort zone:
Growth happens OUTSIDE the comfort zone and a safe competition platform creates an opportunity for that!
🔥 Transform from feeling shy to being confident:
Confidence is not a superpower only for superheroes. It is like a muscle, we all have it. The more we use it, the more it grows!
🔥 Learn to grow from setbacks in the journey:
Not every child is going to win the competition. But why are people so afraid? Of not being the best, making mistakes. What if we gave our children the chance to fail and grow from their journey?
🔥Grow through interactions with coaches and judges
Coaches and judges are trained to nurture each child's courage and encourage their confidence for the long-term. Each child will be given valuable feedbacks and encouragement throughout their speeches!
❌ Myth #2:
'If my child doesn't win, it will affect their self-esteem and confidence.'
✅The truth is:
We can't protect our children from dealing with the setbacks in life. However, we can create a safe space for them to learn and grow even when things don't go exactly as planned.
In President's Speech, we believe that
PROGRESS is key and judges are trained to acknowledge speakers' strengths and to give constructive feedback so they can grow in a healthy way!
❌ Myth #1:
'Shy' children cannot join the competition. Competitions are ONLY for those who are experienced and ready.
✅ The truth is:
Taking the first step in a constructive competition platform gives children a chance to see what's possible. Each speaker can learn about their strengths and areas to improve which helps to
build up their self-confidence.
❌ Myth #3:
'Competition pits children against one another'
✅ The truth is:
When a child feels safe and is given a space to see their strengths, they will start to learn that the REAL competition is to keep growing themselves (growth happens throughout our entire life).
By emphasizing more on progress than results, each child will be encouraged to celebrate their small wins!
What is President's Speech?
Be the Change, Be the Voice
A motivational public speaking contest designed for students 5 - 12 years old who want to unleash their confidence and speak up for a better world!
For the past 5 years, the HANKidz President’s Speech coaches have created this platform to give children (regardless of their experience) a chance to take the first step to share their voice and grow as motivational speakers!
President’s Speech emphasises the
growth within one’s self,
focusing on the
PROGRESS of each child in the journey rather than only the end results.
What makes President's Speech different?
We celebrate each child's progress and every win in the journey
Compete against others
Do it on your own
Focuses on end results
Speak to show
Practises 'sometimes I win, sometimes I lose' mindset
Compete to improve yourself
Do it with the support of coaches through the workshops
Emphasis is on personal progress
Embraces the 'sometimes I win, sometimes I learn' mindset
Consistent acknowledgement of growth
and focus on areas to improve throughout each stage of the journey
An overview of the President's Speech Journey
Who can join?
All children ages 5 - 12 years old are eligible to join the President's Speech Contest
Who is President's Speech for?
President's Speech is for:
✅ Children who love public speaking and expressing themselves
This is a great platform to grow from good to great, learning from the experience of coaches and judges.
✅ Children who are first-timers in public speaking
You don't have to be great to start; you just have to start to be great.
✅ Children who are already confident in themselves
Keep growing your confidence muscles by challenging yourself.
✅ Children who feel fear when it comes to public speaking
Courage is acting with fear and making friends with it. All it takes is this first step...take the step!
✅ Children who are willing to grow themselves
Anyone who is willing is welcome to join. Your PROGRESS matters more than any end result!
✅ Children who have a message they want to express and share to the world
This is a safe and constructive platform to speak up and share your message.
Speakers who have taken their brave step to Be the Change, Be the Voice!
HANKidz Leadership Academy
Setia Alam
Kota Damansara
HANKidz Speaking School
Kota Damansara
HANKidz Leadership Preschool
Contact us
03-6140 6189
+011-5176 8870
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